Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Statement

At Everything Latch Hook, they are committed to keeping any information consumers provide completely confidential. We will not release your email address or other contact information to any other party. We will use your email address to send you notices about changes or new features to this web site, as well as special offers from M&R Technologies, Inc.

They may track statistics about your activity on this web site in an attempt to serve you better. For example, we may track words that you search for, and then notify you if a product becomes available which may be of interest to you. We will also track overall statistics about how many times individual products are viewed and what manufacturers are the most popular as well as others. The overall statistical information may be disclosed to third parties, but individual user activity will not.

Any personal and/or credit card information will be transmitted over a secure SSL connection, and stored credit card information will be stored in a secure manner on our web site.

If you have any questions or comments about this policy, please Contact Us.

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